Kansas Angus Association Membership Directory is online
The annual Kansas Angus Directory is a great reference material. The 100 page booklet features a complete listing of current KAA members along with contact and herd information. Advertisements from many Kansas Angus breeders and industry partners highlight the states programs, seedstock and genetics. Members ad KAN subscribers are mailed a copy annually. Additional copies are distributed throughout the year at events, sales and trade shows.
Is your membership current?
Your 2024 membership must be current to be included in the 2025 Kansas Angus Directory.
Dues for the Kansas Angus Association are $40 annually (effective 2/27/23) Your application/renewal is not complete until dues payment is received. Upon receipt of your payment, your information will be updated in our records. The Kansas Angus Directory is published annually in mid-January and the online membership listing is updated soon after that.
Renew or join now.
Beef for Kansas -KJAA Community Service Project
The Kansas Angus Association is very proud of the Kansas Junior Angus Association (KJAA) members and the projects they implement that go beyond the showring. The junior members have initiated a community service project and are asking all Kansas Angus families to participate. The project is titled Beef for Kansas. They have challenged every junior member or family to donate at least one pound of beef to their local food bank and in turn the KJAA will match the number of pounds donated to a dollar amount a donate those dollars to a food bank; example if members donate at total of fifty pounds the KJAA will donate $50. The project started in January and will end on May 31. We invite all Kansas beef families to join in! For more information and to submit donation information and photos click here.
Junior Preview Show
With summer approaching the Kansas Junior Angus Association members are planning their annual summer Preview Show. The Preview Show will be June 1-2 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. The contests and annual meeting are on Saturday and the show on Sunday. Cattle classes will include owned and bred and owned females, cow/calf pairs, bred and owned bulls, registered Angus steers, predominately black Angus crossbred steers and a Genotype & Phenotype (PGS) show.
Juniors may also compete in showmanship, sales talk, herdsman’s quiz, and public speaking contests Two showmanship representatives to the 2024 National Junior Angus Show contest in Madison, Wisconsin as well as members of the KJAA team sales and fitting NJAS teams will be chosen through contest participation.
The two-day event will feature the KJAA annual meeting, officer elections and awards presentations. The Kansas Angus Auxiliary will conduct their summer meeting and award scholarships in conjunction with the Preview Show. Ownership/transfer deadline is May 15. Show entry deadline is May 24, late entries are not accepted.
New exhibitors and KJAA members are always welcome. A link to the entry form and schedule of events is online at www.kansasangus.org/kjaa. New this year entries will be processed through the Showman.app.
Note: Web ads are being transitioned to still ads to better accommodate all browser types including mobile. Web ad space is limited .2 spaces currently available to Kansas Angus Association members. Advertisers please email [email protected] to update your ad or submits aa new ad. Advertising info here.