Ks Jr Angus Association Officer/Director/Adviser Application
KJAA officers and directors serve a 1 year term Aug 1 To Aug 1.
Application will not be considered unless all questions completed and signed. In accordance with KJAA by laws a slate of officers will be presented to the membership by the nominating committee, if application for office/director position is not received the nominating committee may solicit applicants. See KJAA guidelines and by-laws for duties- these can also be found on the KJAA page. All candidates of officers or directors should be at least 12 years old and cannot have reached their 21st birthday prior to Jan 1 of the election year. Advisers serve a 3 year term, with 1 adviser ( or adviser couple) rotating off each year.
Application will not be considered unless all questions completed and signed. In accordance with KJAA by laws a slate of officers will be presented to the membership by the nominating committee, if application for office/director position is not received the nominating committee may solicit applicants. See KJAA guidelines and by-laws for duties- these can also be found on the KJAA page. All candidates of officers or directors should be at least 12 years old and cannot have reached their 21st birthday prior to Jan 1 of the election year. Advisers serve a 3 year term, with 1 adviser ( or adviser couple) rotating off each year.