Ks Jr. Angus Preview Show 2025 Show is June 7-8 plan to be in Hutchinson !
Show : annually first weekend in June, Ks State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, KS
KJAA officer/Director/Advisor application- due JUNE 1
SCHEDULE - all events on Ks State Fairgrounds
Friday, JUNE 6
5 pm -Grounds open - go to tie out only no cattle in barns-- must bring own tie out straw/bedding DO NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 5 PM
Sunday, June 8
7 am to 8 am- Exhibitor and family breakfast free will offering accepted to be used to continue breakfast.
9 am– KJAA Preview Show, Judge: TBA
Preview Show Rules
1.All rules will be enforced.
2. Cattle must be checked in by Saturday , June 7 at 10:30 am
3. The KJAA Preview show will be held at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, June 4 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. There will be a $50.00 entry fee for each animal entered; Submit on-line at Showman.app on or before 11:59 pm cst June 1 NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted. Ribbons for each class will be provided as well as champion and reserve champion ribbons for divisions and overall awards. After check-in cattle must remain on KSF until release, cattle are released after completion of their respective classes. Premiums will be awarded to a least the 1st place winner in each class,
Top 5 Selection for Owned and Bred & Owned Heifers.
4. All registration papers must be properly transferred according to the rules of the American Angus Association and solely in the name of the junior exhibitor by May 15- for owned heifers and steers. Pending registrations are not accepted. You must have your ORIGINAL registration papers with you at the show.
5. Tattoos and original registration papers will be checked at the show. Any animal that is not tattooed or has an incorrect tattoo will not be allowed to show. Freeze brands allowed as per AAA rules.
6.Health papers are not required, but cattle must not have warts, active ringworm or show signs of sickness or disease. Females (of age) are to be OCV.
7. Females must be born on/after September 1, 2023 to be eligible to show.
8. Bred-and-owned heifers may not be entered in the owned show.
9. STEERS-Classes for registered Angus steers and Angus-based predominantly black crossbred (Angus sire or dam) steers, born on/after January 1, 2024. Registered Steers must comply with NJAA rules. Angus Cross steers must comply with Kansas 4-H and FFA rules. Registered steers show by age.
10. BULL show for registered bred-and-owned Angus bulls born Sept 1, 2023- December 31, 2024 .
11.COW/CALF pairs may be exhibited provided the calf is bred-and-owned by the exhibitor and the junior is the sole recorded owner of the cow. If entries are sufficient a bred & owned class may be made. A.) If the cow was not bred by the exhibitor, the issue date on the recorded transfer of the cow must precede the breeding date of the cow for the calf at side. B.) Calf must be the cow’s most recent natural calf and must be no more than 280 days at time of show C.) Calf must be registered by check in and shown on halter.
12. Contestants must show their own animals unless 2 or more are exhibited in the same class in such case another KJAA member is allowed to show.. In the case of illness or injury a KJAA member may be allowed to show in your place with a written doctor’s excuse. Notice must be received at check in. In the case of an emergency illness or injury at the show after cattle check-in , the show chairman (KJAA president) must be notified prior to the class in order for a substitute showman. Failure to show a doctor’s excuse or in the case of a show emergency contact with show chairman prior to entering the class will result in disqualification of the entry.
13. Classes will be set up according to age and number entered. Steers refer to #9
14. Exhibitors must be members of the KJAA. If not a member, you can join when entering.
15.Cattle will be bedded on provided chips. Bring your own feed and hay as well as straw for tie-out area. No feed or straw sales during show.
16. SHOWMANSHIP– Novice (ages 9 & under must be an exhibitor), Junior (ages 10-13), Intermediate (14-17) and Senior (18-21) showmanship contests will be held. (all ages as of January 1, current year) . Each contestant must own and exhibit their animal***. You must be an exhibitor to show in showmanship; exception is pee wee class.
17. Members ages (14-21) competing to represent Kansas at the NJAS showmanship contest will compete in a specific showmanship class. You may compete in only 1 showmanship class. ***Older members competing to go to the NJAS may borrow a heifer , however you must notify an adviser or KJAA president (show chairman) before entering & showing. You must have been a KJAA & NJAA member prior to showing.
****Cow/calf pairs are not recommended for showmanship, if an exhibitor has only a pair an exception may be made by speaking to the show chairman or adviser to allow borrowing a heifer for showmanship. The pair will not be permitted in ring, it must be separated either the cow or calf shown individually.
18. The MEMBERS of the KJAA have voted that this be a “no fit” show, defined as exhibitors may not use any glue, adhesive, coloring or paint products.. Oils, “kleen sheen” type products, and foams are allowed. If you have questions ask! Aerosols will not be allowed in the make up area
19. Show dress code– NJAA rules. Collared tucked in shirt.
The objective behind the Phenotype and Genotype Show (PGS) is to create another avenue for juniors to show their heifers in an
additional competition while providing an educational opportunity to learn about the value of Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) and
economic selection indexes ($Values) as a part of the process in selecting seedstock. Animals entered in the PGS will be evaluated by
a judge under a system that requires both genotypes and phenotypes to be considered. The results will be a composite score where
the genotype (EPDs & $Values) placing, and phenotype placings will be equally weighted at fifty percent.
Exhibitors can enter in the PGS online while entering
However, to enter the PGS all animals must be genomic tested (either Angus GS™ or HD50K for Angus) with a DNA sample on file with Angus Genetics Incorporated
(AGI), by ownership deadline.
1. All animals must have been genomic tested, with a DNA sample on file with AGI, by ownership deadline. The animal must be
tested with Angus GS or HD50K Basic parentage testing does not qualify for this show.
2. GE-EPDs are required at the time of check-in.
3. Any animal with interim EPDs or EPDs not enhanced with genomic results at time of entry not be allowed to show.
Show Categories:
1. Only females are allowed to enter with no specification on bred-and-owned versus owned. Champions will be selected in each
division. Grand and Reserve Champion PGS Females will be awarded.
2. Entries will be listed in the catalog in order of age (youngest to oldest) and will be led into the showring in order of catalog number.
3. Classes will be made up after cattle have been checked-in at the show and on a logical age break, not necessarily following formal American Angus Association classifications
Show : annually first weekend in June, Ks State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, KS
- The Preview is open to Kansas residents only and must be a member of the KJAA.
- Schedule of Events, Information, Show Rules -scroll down.
- Show Entry Deadline June 1 Online entry only, late entries are not accepted- entry form and rules . Entry fee $50 per head includes inside tie stall bedding, stall are pre-bedded.
- Judge: TBA
- Show is "no fit" see Rule 18 below in Rules.
- Top 5 Selection for Owned and Bred & Owned Heifers.
- Contest Sign up- please enter online by Friday, JUNE 61, 12 noon. access form here
- Please make your hotel reservation at the Hutchinson hotel of your choice
- Register online (click here) by 12 noon Friday, June 6
- Contest order of presentation will be posted Saturday morning at the show and on the Kansas Junior Angus Association group Facebook page.
- After form is completed you will receive and automatic email to the email address you provide - this email will show exactly what you filled on on the form- as well as information and links provided in this Registration procedure section.( please make sure you provide correct email, if you do not receive the reply email check your spam/junk)
- For Public Speaking & Extemporaneous Speaking follow NJAS contest rules. View rules at https://www.angus.org/njaa/home/contests.
- For Sales Talk (Team Sales) and Fitting (Team Fitting) please review NJAS guidelines/rules however the contest at the Preview Show you will compete as an individual and the KJAA will form our NJAS teams from winners from each age division. View rules at https://www.angus.org/njaa/home/contests
- Herdsman Quiz- prep for forming NJAS teams. ALL KJAA members encouraged to participate.
- For contest questions contact Kelsey Theis , KJAA president elect/contest chairman
KJAA officer/Director/Advisor application- due JUNE 1
SCHEDULE - all events on Ks State Fairgrounds
Friday, JUNE 6
5 pm -Grounds open - go to tie out only no cattle in barns-- must bring own tie out straw/bedding DO NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 5 PM
- Tack set up in barn allowed- NO CATTLE In barn until Saturday morning, bedding in barns are included in tour entry fee, stalls in barn are pre-bedded.
- 6 am- Barns and grounds open for arrival.- bedding in barns are included in tour entry fee, stalls in barn are pre-bedded
- 9:30 am to 10:30 – Cattle check in. Check tattoos/freeze brands and all original registration certificates. Educational Contest registration. All cattle must be on grounds and checked in by 10:30
- 11:00 am Ks Angus Auxiliary meeting
- 1 pm Herdsman Quiz and Pee Wee Coloring Session- Showring
- 1:30 pm Public Speaking contest Begins
- 2:30 pm Extemporaneous Speaking Contest Begins
- 3 pm– Sales Talk Competition, ages 8-13, 14-17, 18-21. Compete as individuals, NJAS format and rules. www.angus.org/njaa- Showring
- 4 pm Fitting Contest
- 6 pm- KJAA Annual Meeting- officer elections -Showring
- Time be announced - fun group activity
Sunday, June 8
7 am to 8 am- Exhibitor and family breakfast free will offering accepted to be used to continue breakfast.
9 am– KJAA Preview Show, Judge: TBA
- PGS Show- scroll down for PGS rules.
- · Steers : Registered Angus , Predominantly Black Angus–Cross
- · Bred & Owned Heifers
- *Presentation of Special Awards - Ks Angus Auxiliary Scholarships & Awards, Ks Angus LEAD Awards, Cecil McCurry Keep Smiling LEAD Award, NJAA Bronze and Silver Awards, contest winners announced.
- · Owned Heifers
- · Cow/Calf Pairs
- · B/O Bulls
- · Supreme Champion Selection- Bob Laflin Supreme Champion Buckle Presentation
- NJAS- KS representatives selection
- Pee Wee- Non-exhibitors 8 and under (this class is for younger siblings/family of exhibitors that are too young to show, fun experience, no placings- ribbons for all)
- Novice- KJAA members exhibiting cattle 7-9 years old
- Junior- 10-13
- Intermediate 14-17
- Senior 18-21
- must exhibit OWN animal with exception of NJAS selection class and Pee Wee Class.
Preview Show Rules
1.All rules will be enforced.
2. Cattle must be checked in by Saturday , June 7 at 10:30 am
3. The KJAA Preview show will be held at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, June 4 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. There will be a $50.00 entry fee for each animal entered; Submit on-line at Showman.app on or before 11:59 pm cst June 1 NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted. Ribbons for each class will be provided as well as champion and reserve champion ribbons for divisions and overall awards. After check-in cattle must remain on KSF until release, cattle are released after completion of their respective classes. Premiums will be awarded to a least the 1st place winner in each class,
Top 5 Selection for Owned and Bred & Owned Heifers.
4. All registration papers must be properly transferred according to the rules of the American Angus Association and solely in the name of the junior exhibitor by May 15- for owned heifers and steers. Pending registrations are not accepted. You must have your ORIGINAL registration papers with you at the show.
5. Tattoos and original registration papers will be checked at the show. Any animal that is not tattooed or has an incorrect tattoo will not be allowed to show. Freeze brands allowed as per AAA rules.
6.Health papers are not required, but cattle must not have warts, active ringworm or show signs of sickness or disease. Females (of age) are to be OCV.
7. Females must be born on/after September 1, 2023 to be eligible to show.
8. Bred-and-owned heifers may not be entered in the owned show.
9. STEERS-Classes for registered Angus steers and Angus-based predominantly black crossbred (Angus sire or dam) steers, born on/after January 1, 2024. Registered Steers must comply with NJAA rules. Angus Cross steers must comply with Kansas 4-H and FFA rules. Registered steers show by age.
10. BULL show for registered bred-and-owned Angus bulls born Sept 1, 2023- December 31, 2024 .
11.COW/CALF pairs may be exhibited provided the calf is bred-and-owned by the exhibitor and the junior is the sole recorded owner of the cow. If entries are sufficient a bred & owned class may be made. A.) If the cow was not bred by the exhibitor, the issue date on the recorded transfer of the cow must precede the breeding date of the cow for the calf at side. B.) Calf must be the cow’s most recent natural calf and must be no more than 280 days at time of show C.) Calf must be registered by check in and shown on halter.
12. Contestants must show their own animals unless 2 or more are exhibited in the same class in such case another KJAA member is allowed to show.. In the case of illness or injury a KJAA member may be allowed to show in your place with a written doctor’s excuse. Notice must be received at check in. In the case of an emergency illness or injury at the show after cattle check-in , the show chairman (KJAA president) must be notified prior to the class in order for a substitute showman. Failure to show a doctor’s excuse or in the case of a show emergency contact with show chairman prior to entering the class will result in disqualification of the entry.
13. Classes will be set up according to age and number entered. Steers refer to #9
14. Exhibitors must be members of the KJAA. If not a member, you can join when entering.
15.Cattle will be bedded on provided chips. Bring your own feed and hay as well as straw for tie-out area. No feed or straw sales during show.
16. SHOWMANSHIP– Novice (ages 9 & under must be an exhibitor), Junior (ages 10-13), Intermediate (14-17) and Senior (18-21) showmanship contests will be held. (all ages as of January 1, current year) . Each contestant must own and exhibit their animal***. You must be an exhibitor to show in showmanship; exception is pee wee class.
17. Members ages (14-21) competing to represent Kansas at the NJAS showmanship contest will compete in a specific showmanship class. You may compete in only 1 showmanship class. ***Older members competing to go to the NJAS may borrow a heifer , however you must notify an adviser or KJAA president (show chairman) before entering & showing. You must have been a KJAA & NJAA member prior to showing.
****Cow/calf pairs are not recommended for showmanship, if an exhibitor has only a pair an exception may be made by speaking to the show chairman or adviser to allow borrowing a heifer for showmanship. The pair will not be permitted in ring, it must be separated either the cow or calf shown individually.
18. The MEMBERS of the KJAA have voted that this be a “no fit” show, defined as exhibitors may not use any glue, adhesive, coloring or paint products.. Oils, “kleen sheen” type products, and foams are allowed. If you have questions ask! Aerosols will not be allowed in the make up area
19. Show dress code– NJAA rules. Collared tucked in shirt.
The objective behind the Phenotype and Genotype Show (PGS) is to create another avenue for juniors to show their heifers in an
additional competition while providing an educational opportunity to learn about the value of Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) and
economic selection indexes ($Values) as a part of the process in selecting seedstock. Animals entered in the PGS will be evaluated by
a judge under a system that requires both genotypes and phenotypes to be considered. The results will be a composite score where
the genotype (EPDs & $Values) placing, and phenotype placings will be equally weighted at fifty percent.
Exhibitors can enter in the PGS online while entering
However, to enter the PGS all animals must be genomic tested (either Angus GS™ or HD50K for Angus) with a DNA sample on file with Angus Genetics Incorporated
(AGI), by ownership deadline.
- The PGS judge will receive judge’s cards split in classes that include entry number, birthdate, and EPDs/$Values (CED, BW, WW, YW, Milk, Marb, REA, $M, $B, $C) along with a percentile breakdown.
- For the PGS, the same judge will evaluate the EPDs/$Values and the phenotype classes. He/she will place the class based on his/her preferences. Results will be turned into the Association staff to compile prior to the show.
- The show will be run similar to other shows where the judge will evaluate the class in the same manner as a regular phenotype show.
- The judge will receive a judge’s card with birthdates only for phenotype classes. The phenotype placings will be recorded and compiled with the genotype placings. The composite score will be made up of 50% genotype placing and 50% phenotype placings. In the event of a tie, the tie will be broke based on the phenotype
- placings.
- The judge will then receive a judge’s card with the composite placing and respective EPDs to talk the class. During divisions and the grand drive, the judge will receive judge’s cards.
1. All animals must have been genomic tested, with a DNA sample on file with AGI, by ownership deadline. The animal must be
tested with Angus GS or HD50K Basic parentage testing does not qualify for this show.
2. GE-EPDs are required at the time of check-in.
3. Any animal with interim EPDs or EPDs not enhanced with genomic results at time of entry not be allowed to show.
Show Categories:
1. Only females are allowed to enter with no specification on bred-and-owned versus owned. Champions will be selected in each
division. Grand and Reserve Champion PGS Females will be awarded.
2. Entries will be listed in the catalog in order of age (youngest to oldest) and will be led into the showring in order of catalog number.
3. Classes will be made up after cattle have been checked-in at the show and on a logical age break, not necessarily following formal American Angus Association classifications