(mobile viewers scroll down to make banquet reservations)
Kansas Angus Association Annual Meeting & Banquet ▪ Jan. 25, 2025 Futurity Jr. Show- Jan 26 2024 , Hutchinson The Kansas Angus Association (KAA) Banquet and 73rd Annual Meeting is January 25 in Hutchinson at the Kansas State Fairgrounds . The educational presentations and annual meeting will be in the afternoon. The annual banquet which will include a social hour, the Kansas Angus Auxiliary scholarship auction, honorary member induction, KAA Directory page auction, Miss Kansas Angus crowning and the KJAA t-shirt fundraiser auction will be in the new 1861 Club on the fairgrounds later on Saturday evening. ►New banquet venue The 1861 Club on the Ks State Fairgrounds ►Watch for more details in the January Kansas Angus News, the Kansas Angus Association Facebook page and online at www.kansasangus.org Please make banquet reservations by January 15 . Junior Show entries are due January 10, entire are on Shoman.app only. Scroll down to make banquet reservations. Kansas Angus Association Annual Meeting ▪ Banquet ▪ Futurity Jr. Show January 25-26 ▪ Hutchinson, KS *Schedule of Events – all events on Ks State Fairgrounds unless otherwise noted. *tentative Friday, Jan24 4 pm- cattle may arrive and go to tie outs only after 4 pm. No cattle or tack in the barn until 6 am Saturday. Bring your tie out bedding. Water will be available to water cattle. 7 pm- Miss Kansas Angus & Ambassador Contest and Interviews- contestants and parents only., Comfort Inn and Suites. Saturday, Jan. 25
Banquet reservations www.kansasangus.org . Reservation and ticket required. Limited walk-in space available at the door . Make reservations by January 15. Hotel Hotels- call hotel directly .Reserve by Jan 15 to insure block rate. Ask for Ks Angus Assn block rate.
Banquet Reservations Required
The Annual KAA Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, January 25- 6:30 pm, Hutchinson, KS Cottonwood Court building, Ks State Fairgrounds Social 6:30 pm- Network, visit and enjoy drinks 7 pm - Seating, Gather and Welcome 7:15- Buffet meal- Followed by program, award presentations and auctions. Catered by the Bakery House & Catering, Hutchinson. Banquet tickets- $40
Pay at the door by check or cash please To make reservations for the banquet, please fill out the following information and press the SUBMIT button. Payment is requested at the door. Reservations are due by January 15 . If you make reservations and are unable to attend you must cancel by 5 pm on Jan 20 to avoid payment. |