Entries Due Dec 10, 2016
$5 per head enrty fee must accompany entry
KAA Partners with CAB® for Annual Carcass Data Project
The Carcass Data Project (CDP) is designed for producers using registered Angus bulls that may not have enough steers to make a whole pen at a commercial feed yard but want retain ownership and collect individual carcass data on their steers or for producers that may want to feed a few head and compete for recognition as the 2015 CDP winner. Kansas Angus Association members are encouraged to promote the CDP to their bull customers. To participate in the project producers must enter a minimum of five spring born steers weaned at least 45 days prior to delivery. Steers must be out of a registered Angus bull and have a known sire or sire group. An approved vaccination program as well as having individual identification tags is also required.
The KAA is proud to continue it’s partnership with Certified Angus Beef, LLC to enhance your CDP experience. CAB is sponsoring up to a $1000 in cash awards and CAB merchandise to the owners of the top group of steers (based on participant’s top 3 steers using CAB acceptance and quality grade as the main criteria). In addition, CAB will present each CDP participant with CAB logo merchandise . Actual cash award is based upon participation. McPherson County Feeders (MCF) , Marquette, Kansas will host the CDP for the third year.
The annual Carcass Data Project (CDP) gets underway in December. Entries are due December 10 , $5 per head entry fee payable to the Ks Angus Association. McPherson County Feeders will bill participants twice a month for feed . Participants are responsible for delivery/transportation to MCF, December 27-29, 2016. To enter complete the entry form - see above link button. ; upon entry you will receive an information sheet to complete detailing your steers individual information.
CDP Requirements
Minimum 5 head per participant
Spring born steers, out of registered Angus bulls and from a known sire or sire group.
Minimum average weight of group of 5 to be 550 pounds.
Weaned at least 45 days prior to delivery at the feed yard
Delivered to McPherson County Feeders
Vaccinated prior to or at weaning.
Individually tagged at farm/ranch, with different numbers.
Results of 2015 KAA Carcass Date Project
Five KAA members entered 29 steers in the 2015 Carcass Data Project (CDP). The group of steers fed at CDP host feed yard, McPherson County Feeders, Marquette posted an impressive 100% choice or higher, 77% CAB and 11.5% Prime. The 29 steers entered the project with an average weight of 667 pounds and finished with an average live weight of 1368 pounds,an ADG of 4.11 and an average hot carcass weight of 848.
Todd Klausmeyer, Wichita and Jeff Klausmeyer, Clearwater split the top prize of $350 sponsored by Certified Angus Beef, LLC. Todd’s entry of 5 steers sired by Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre graded 100% CAB and 100% choice or higher with and ADG of 4.58. Jeff’s six steers sired by K3 Retail Product 107-707, K3 Objective 9242 82, K3 Final answer 90 290, GAR Predestined and Dalebanks Big Eye 1391 also posted 100% CAB, 100% choice or higher with an ADG of 4.31.
Other participants were Thomas Klausmeyer, Conway Springs, 5 steers , 100% choice, 80% CAB. Harold Hazelton, McPherson, 5 steers, 100% choice , 40% CAB and Scott Butler, Offerle, 5 steers 100% choice or higher, 60% CAB.